Tulait Podcast
Tulait Podcast is a Bible-based, Christ-centred podcast that brings the truth and power of the gospel to the real-life issues facing Papua New Guinea.
Tulait Podcast
Exodus 12:21-22- Hau na yumi bai stap sef long taim bilong hevi?
Tulait Media
Season 1
Episode 6
In this episode we will listen to a sermon delivered on Good Friday that shares the good news of Jesus Christ, and shows how faith in Christ changes our perspective on the current COVID-19 crisis.
Long dispela episode, bai yumi harim wanpela autim tok i bin kamap long Gut Fraide. Dispela tok i tokaut long gutnius bilong Jisas Krais, na em i soim olsem gutnius bilong Krais bai i givim yumi hop na senisim tingting long yumi taim yumi stap insait long hevi bilong COVID-19.